November Top Four
Greetings to All!
As we approach the first of November, many these four-(4) subjects come to mind every year:
- Fall Golf Tournaments. My favorite is the Mid Pines Hickory Tournament hosted by Mr. Graham Gilmore. He is a great host as is the whole staff at Mid Pines to all the players and guests. This is a top 5 for me every year.
- The Illinois State Cross Country Meet in Peoria. My Alma Mater, York High of Elmhurst has been the dominate team to beat over the past 50 years (they have won it 28 times) and Coach Charlie Kern who replaced my Coach Joe Newton (he coached all 28 wins!) is just as dynamic and skillful with the strategy to continue the “York Long Green Line tradition” as Coach Newton did. Go Dukes and win it for Coach Newton’s memory!
- What will my 8 grandkids dress up as and how can I scare at least one of them!
- Thanksgiving. This is better than Christmas to me. First you have family and friends together to enjoy a day of each other’s friendship and love; and to be thankful for all our blessings. Second, you get to have a feast like no other of what was Ben Franklins choice for our national bird (thank heaven it wasn’t chosen as I wonder what we would be eating). As a kid my father’s favorite vegetable was rutabaga, so it appeared every Thanksgiving as yes, everyone had to have a serving of it. Personally, I am glad that was only once a year. Third, we know that we better get ready for Christmas as it is not too far out.
I am sure that you have your top November ”4” as well and I am sure that we share at least one-(1), the most important one which is listed last just because of when it falls in the month of November.
From a business view, I hope that you will take a moment and see if any of our hand-crafted” items will help fill your Christmas gift list. If so, please order early as we have some nice incentives for you. We are always grateful for your orders.
From a personal view, I want you to know how THANKFUL we are for your business and friendships.
Finally, we at Firebird Group crafters of the Steurer & Jacoby brand of products want to wish you and your family a Blessed Thanksgiving.
-Will Jacoby
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